4. The Indo-European Language Family and Proto-Indo-European

Verze z 1. 11. 2015, 22:07, kterou vytvořil Dmitry.Pyshkin (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „'''1. Speculate on why it makes sense to reconstruct a phonologically balanced system (p.116).'''''Text kurzívou'' Phonological systems tend towards stru…“)
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1. Speculate on why it makes sense to reconstruct a phonologically balanced system (p.116).Text kurzívou

Phonological systems tend towards structural balance, as evidenced by the pairing of voiced and voiceless consonants or front and back vowels. Therefore, reconstructing a phonologically balanced system would make a language acquire sounds to fill gaps and eliminate sounds that cause assymetries.