
Harbour (BE)/Harbor (AmE)[1]

  • ME word has been assumed to be taken from Norse, but the phonology points rather to an OE type (might be taken from Norse).
  • The history shows two lines of phonetic change:
    • her -> her
    • the weakening of the second element to –ber, -bor, -bour
    • The current form “harbour” exhibits both of these changes.
  • Various spellings – it appears in modern-day form (both BE and AmE) in 17th century
  • Meanings:
    • a. Shelter, lodging, entertainment: sojourn, abode – as early as mid-12th century (spelled as herbyrȝe)
    • b. The “house,” mansion, zodiac (Chaucer)
    • c. Retreat of wild animals
    • d. Used figuratively
    • e. Port (late 13th century)
    • f. Airship shed/hangar (1909, 1912)
    • g. A vessel used for mixing ingredients for glass making (19th century)
    • h. A number of compounds



ME: synystre, synistre, sinistre; syne-, sinester; syny-, syni-, sinister; senestre, sene-, seni-, senyster

ModE: sinister

stress: siˈnister (17th, 18th ct.), ˈsinister

- from Old French senestre, sinistre or Latin sinister (meaning 'left' or 'left-hand' - the opposite of dexter; the original meaning is present in ModE but mainly archaic/used in Heraldry)


  • original meaning: on the left side of the body; lying towards the left hand; situated on the left hand of a shield (Heraldry)
  • given with intent to deceive or mislead, esp. so as to create a prejudice against some person; false and dishonest - about information, suggestions, advice, etc. (obsolete - 15th, 16th century)
  • prejudicial, adverse, unfavourable, suspicious - about opinions (15th-17th ct.) - e.g. Some evil Suspicion or sinister Thoughts concerning me.
  • dishonest, unfair; not straightforward, underhand; dark - about actions, practices (common in 1470-1650)
  • corrupt, evil, bad - e.g. He speaks of bad manners and vitious humors and sinister affections,..as envy, contention, contumacy, incontinency.
  • portending or indicating misfortune or disaster; full of dark or gloomy suggestiveness; inauspicious, unfavourable - about omens (originally denoting omens seen on the left hand, which was regarded as the unlucky side)
  • unlucky, unfortunate (common in 1580-1670)
  • unfavourable, harmful, prejudicial to a person


Forms: dextrous, adj.; dexterious adj.,

Pronunciation: /ˈdɛkstərəs/ /ˈdɛkstrəs/

Etymology: < Latin dexter, dextr- right, handy, dexterous, dextra the right hand + -OUS suffix. If an analogous word had been formed in Latin, it would have been dextrōsus; hence dextrous (compare sinistrous) is the more regular form; but dexterous appears to prevail in 19th cent. prose.


  • Situated on the right side or right-hand; right, as opposed to left; = DEXTER adj. 1, DEXTRAL adj., --> Example: 1646 SIR T. BROWNE Pseudodoxia Epidemica IV. v. 190 “The dextrous and sinistrous parts of the body.”
  • In a bad sense: ‘Clever’, crafty, cunning. Obs.
  • Handy, convenient, suitable, fitting. Obs.
  • Deft or nimble of hand, neat-handed
  • Having mental adroitness or skill; skilful or expert in contrivance or management


Forms: glamer, glamor, glammar, glamour

Pronunciation: /ˈɡlæmə(r)/

Etymology: originally coming from Scots as a corrupt form of grammar


  • magic, enchantment, spell (e.g. in the phrase to cast the glamour over sb)
  • a dellusive or alluring charm
  • attractiveness; feminine beauty


Pronunciation: /ˈwɔːlɒk/

Forms:[4] OE wǽrloga, wérloga ME warlou, werlau, werlaw, warlock, warelocke

- the form used in PDE appears first in Scots in the 16th century when the ending -ck was added to mean “a male equivalent of a witch[5]

Present-day meaning:[4] “One in league with the Devil and so possessing occult and evil powers; a sorcerer, wizard.”

Can be found in[4]:

  1. Judith - refers to a wicked person
  2. Cursor Mundi - refers to a damned soul in hell, the Devil, Satan, monstrous creature
  3. Morte Arthure - refers to a traitor

Etymology:[4] in OE used as a weak masculine noun wǽr-loga which meant a traitor, an enemy, or the evil

two lexemes:

  1. wǽr (derived from OE adjective wǽr = "true") = strong feminine noun meaning "a covenant, the truth, a vow or a solemn promise, faith" (as in Slavonic languages - Czech víra) - from Proto-Germanic *wera- (cognates: Old High German wara "truth," Old Norse varar "solemn promise, vow"), from PIE *were-o- "true, trustworthy"[5]
  2. loga = a noun usually used as an agent, derived from OE verb léogan = "to tell a lie" (of a Germanic origin, also connected with Slavonic languages - lhát)

=> original primary sense was thus an oath-breaker but already in OE period, it was often applied to the Devil, due to the language in scriptures, it became to be used for magicians and savage monsters

Other possible meanings:[4]

  • fetters, a shackle: OE waru => ware = guard + loc = lock; as a verb: to secure with fetters
  • sometimes applied as same as charlock = field mustard (the plant)
  • might have been originally a Norwegian word meaning a pile of stones
  • as a verb: to bar oneself against a hostile invasion


Pronunciation: /ʃɪt/

Etymology: OE scitta/ scitte, eME schit- (coming from the PIE "skei-" meaning "to cut, split, divide, separate")

showing up in written works both as a noun and as a verb as far back as the 14th century[6]


  • Excrement from the bowels
  • One of the most favorite swear words in the English language
  • An offensive or despicable person
  • Any of several intoxicating or narcotic drugs, spec. heroin or marijuana.
  • As a verb the act of defecation, as well as "to lie, to tease"
  • Appears in a variety of other expression such as Shit-faced, shit list, up shit creek (in trouble)


- ME: dongeoun, dongoun, dongon, dongen, dungoun…

- developed from French ‘donjon’

- connected with Old French danjon, dangon; late Latin: domnion, domnus (=lord); (-> the Czech word doma)

Development of the meaning:

  1. the great tower or keep of a castle, situated in the innermost court or bailey (archaic spelling preferred)
  2. a strong close cell; a dark subterranean place of confinement
  3. a habitation, mansion (figuratively)
  4. a person of profound learning or wisdom (figuratively)
  5. a room or building used for sado-masochistic sexual activity


OED †1. A mountain, mount, hill, or hillock. (Applied, as the date becomes later, to lower eminences.); in the southwest, forming part of the name of hills, as Cadon Barrow in Cornwall, Trentishoe Barrow in North Devon, Bull Barrow in Dorset;in the north, usually a long low hill, as Barrow near Derwentwater, Whitbarrow in North Lancashire A mound of earth or stones erected in early times over a grave; a grave-mound, a tumulus; so barrow-wightish adj.

A mound or heap.

Etymology: Common Germanic: "Vehicle for carrying a load," c. 1300, barewe, Probably from an unrecorded Old English *bearwe "basket, barrow," from beran "to bear, to carry" Old English beorg (cf. Old High German berg, Middle Dutch berch, German, Dutch berg, Gothic *bairgs < Germanic *bergo-z, Old Norse berg and bjarg (neuter) ‘rock.’ (Cognate with Old Slavonic brĕgŭ “mountain, height”, Old Irish brigh “mountain”, Sanskrit b'rhant, Avestan barezant “high”< Aryan *bhergh “height”)

In English literature, the word went out of use before 1400, but was preserved, in special senses, in the northern dialect bargh, barf, and south-western barrow; the latter has since been taken back into archeological and general use from the ‘barrows’ of Salisbury Plain, etc.

"Vehicle for carrying a load," c. 1300, barewe, Probably from an unrecorded Old English *bearwe "basket, barrow," from beran "to bear, to carry" Revived by modern archaeology (an ancient grave)


Related: Burrowed; borrowing

OED A hole or excavation made in the ground for a dwelling-place by rabbits, foxes and the like

†A burrowing; any small tubular excavation, or underground passage

Fig. A secluded or small hole-like dwelling-place, or place of retreat; a ‘hole’

Etymology: Of somewhat obscure origin. The forms are identical with those of the noun borough, of which the word is commonly regarded as a variant; but the sense is not known to have belonged to Old English burh, Old Norse borg, or to the parallel form in any Germanic language. Possibly it may be a special use of borough, stronghold; or else a derivative (unrecorded in Old English and Old Norse) of *burg- ablaut-stem of Old Germanic *bergan “to shelter, protect”; cf. bury, buriels The forms bury, berry may perhaps be connected with bergh “protection, shelter”. Related to † burrow-headed adj. ? given to searching things out, inquisitive, curious ( obs.).


  1. "harbour." OED Online Oxford University Press, March 2015. Web 3 March 2015.
  2. “sinister” The Oxford English Dictionary. www.oed.com 3 Mar 2015 <http://www.oed.com/view/Entry/180206?redirectedFrom=sinister#eid>.
  3. http://www.oed.com.ezproxy.is.cuni.cz/view/Entry/51667?redirectedFrom=dexterous#eid
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 4,3 4,4 “warlock.” The Oxford English Dictionary. Available on <www.oed.com> 9 March 2015.
  5. 5,0 5,1 “warlock.” Harper, D. Online Etymology Dictionary. 2001. Available on <www.etymonline.com> 9 March 2015.
  6. "shit" Oxford English Dictionary. www.oed.com 10 March 2015 "shit" Online Etymology Dictionary. www.etymonline.com. 10March 2015