The origins of English

Verze z 13. 10. 2014, 22:32, kterou vytvořil Maryna.Lakhno (diskuse | příspěvky) (Changes in Germanic before the invasion of Britain)

The origins of language

  • emerged ca. 145,000 years ago [1]
  • capacity for language is uniquely human and given by the brain structure [1]
  • form and structure of the first language is unknown [1]
  • based on what we know about language change today, it is plausible that the multitude of contemporary languages have indeed developed from one origin [1]
  • based on what we know about language change today, it is plausible that the multitude of contemporary languages have indeed developed from one origin it is possible that the development of language was dictated by the modern human behaviour[2]

Changes in the pronunciation of Germanic before the invasion of Britain[1]

  • The First Germanic Sound Shift = subgroup of the speakers of Proto-Indo-European language adopted some changes in pronunciation
  • two parts - Grimm's Law and Verner's Law
  • Grimm's Law describes the shift in pronunciation of certain consonants
    • /b, d, g/ lost their voicing -> /p, t, k/
      • Latin - ad x English - at, Latin - jugum x English - yoke
    • /p, t, k/ changed into fricatives /f, θ, h/
      • Latin - piscus x English - fish, Latin - cordis x English - heart
    • however - /p, t, k/ after /s/ and before voiceless stops remained
      • Latin - stella x English - star; Latin - noctis x English - night
  • Verner's Law explains the effect of word stress on pronunciation
    • voiceless fricatives /f, s, θ, ʃ/ became voiced if the preceeding syllable was originally unstressed
    • Latin - pater x English - father - the stress was originally on the second syllable

The world of Germanic people

    • warlike and trade orientated
    • during the Bronze age (La Tene culture) stood in trade with the Greeks and also exercised an influence on the Germanic peoples to the north and east
    • During the Iron Age (second half of the first millennium BCE) major changes in trade and social organisation took place, and Roman invasion started on a course of expansion which would go well beyond its Italian basis
    • The Germanic peoples lived principally from animal husbandry, hunting and agriculture
    • Germanic-Roman contact has been often of a military nature, whether facing them as enemies or joining them as members of the Roman army.
    • Gold coins introduced in 125 BCE.

The Influence of the Roman World and of Latin

  1. Raising expectations about lifestyles and new ways of organising society.
  2. Latin influence in the military area led to the adoption of the words such as camp, mile, street, road
  3. The trade brought words like pound, wine
  4. The Christianisation of Goths brought words like bishop, Saturday

Germanic Migrations Why?

  1. Overpopulation
  2. Pressure from the outside inwards like Huns
  3. Looked for better pastures



  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 GRAMLEY STEPHAN. The history of English: an introduction. New York: Routledge, 2012, xxv, 414 p.
  2. []